Friday, May 30, 2008

Bubble 2.0 ???

As part of my (fun) exploration, I’ve been reading about many products available on the web which made my questioning “are we entering the next Dot Com Bubble?” (not to say we are in the middle of it…). I’m not an expert to answer this question and there are several parameters to define a ‘bubble’ but there are tons of Web 2.0 products which look like they are based on –
“I had some spare time over the weekend, why shouldn’t I write something” or
“Taking product x and adding a couple of features would make it jackpot” or
“First let’s have enough users then worry about how to make money out of it”

Anyhow, it’s definitely interesting how it will evolve and good luck to all of them/us.

More practically, you probably noticed that the blog was ‘upgraded’ as I adopted some new ‘capabilities’ to my blog
- Google custom search – be able to search my ‘huge’ blog :-)
- Snap Shots – get an immediate preview screen of the external links
- Add This – quick subscription to the blog (don't forget to subscribe)
- Odiogo – text-to-speech technology, podcasting my posts
- FeedBurner – publicizes the content of my blog and makes it easy for people to subscribe to it
I’ll keep updating the blog as I’ll keep encountering appropriate stuff

In addition I’m taking a deeper look into 3 platforms:
- Google App Engine – Google promises a simple, free, scalable hosting environment for building and publishing web applications. I registered for the beta but meanwhile based on the SDK and the tutorials it seems simple as long as you know Python
- Microsoft Popfly – a no code mashup environment, allows building web applications (sites, facebook apps, gadgets…) using visual tools. It also allows developing Popfly building blocks (called ‘Blocks’) and sharing them with others.
- Facebook – I consider facebook as a platform. Still need to find out a platform for what

Saturday, May 17, 2008

My first Facebook Application

I had a busy couple of weeks in which I managed to read and learn about some new technologies - Microsoft mesh, Google Friends Connect, Facebook connect and dozens of small other applications / solutions / widgets...
It seems that besides the big gorillas, there is room for many small players.

So, one very small player was born - I managed to 'release' my first Facebook (windows) application (still alpha release) - FB Notify Me – a small windows program which sits in the system tray and notifies when you have a new message or someone wants to be your friend or someone poked you.

It was a short but interesting lesson in which I learned a couple of things:
About myself - I’m definitely rusty and have several things to learn but still enjoy developing
About Facebook - The APIs allow access to many features but still somewhat limited