Sunday, April 27, 2008

Let’s start blogging

As a geek in the past I woke up one day and realized that I’m too rusty and not up-to-date enough so I’ve decided to explore some of the cool technologies existing out there.

My journey is starting! I got a tip from a friend, Benzi: “blog your journey”, so here it comes:

I’ve decided that I want to blog. Using what? After googling a bit I found out that there are 2 finalists (when it comes to free hosting): blogger and wordpress (check this comparison). And although most recommendations I found were for wordpress I chose blogger. Let’s see if I'll regret it or not.
Creating the blog was easy (besides choosing the name) as well posting this first post.

Next stop is facebook - let's develop a facebook app

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogsphere :)