Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The beauty of exploration or “planned vs. actual”

One of the fun things of exploring new things is that you know how it starts but you don’t know how it ends. One more thing I learned is that as much as you learn you know less. Why? Because you find out that there is much more to learn.
This is what happened to me right at the beginning and since in our environment you must be agile – I will be. Starting to play with the facebook toolkit for .NET I found out that I need a good idea for an application and until I’ll have it I put on hold the development of the facebook app and instead will develop a facebook windows app. Still need to complete the definition but I already have a high level idea. I’ll give it a try…

1 comment:

Benzi Ronen said...

awesome that you jumped right into it. it clearly looks like you are willing to explore new stuff, learn on the fly and take some chances. don't give up on the LAMP stuff. if you are going to select .net do it for the right reasons. good luck!